It would seem after a while resume writing would get easier, but that never seems to be the case. There are always so many things to think about, how do you differentiate yourself? What are recruiters actually looking for?
Here at Big Fish Creative Recruitment we have put together a list of 5 easy changes to make your resume standout.
1. Always include your portfolio
Your portfolio shows what you can do and as a creative it's one of the most important tools you have. It brings your work to life and validates the claims in your resume. Remember to keep your folio up-to-date and don't forget to collect samples of your work along the way.
2. Always send your resume in a PDF Format
We know its obvious, but we are constantly amazed at the number of designers who send their work in a word document, missing a huge opportunity to showcase their design skills.
3. Don’t forget to spell check
Spell checking your resume is an important part of creating a positive first image. Incorrect spelling or grammar may unwittingly display a lack of caring or attention to detail.
As an added tip swap your resume with a colleague or friend, they may pick up something obvious you have missed.
4. Send the right message in seconds
Make sure your resume is saying the right things about you. First run a company's job description through a word generator like TagCrowd. This program will create an image displaying the most frequently used words in the description, the more frequent the larger and bolder the words become. From this visual representation you can easily determine the underlying skills an employer is looking for in seconds. Next run your resume through TagCrowd for an easy comparison. Does your resume cover all the skills and attributes your next potential job is asking for? Find out now.
5. Try to keep it on one page
It's no secret that recruiters read a lot of resumes, so don’t make them spend more time than they have to reading yours. Be succinct and only include information relevant to the job you are applying for. Don’t clutter it with every skill or every random hobby you have.
Before applying for your next dream job, check through your resume one last time and make sure it has no spelling mistakes, ensure your portfolio is attached and that you are sending the right message.
Big Fish Creative Recruitment help match talented creatives with potential employers and we would love to see your resume, apply for a role now.